Tomas Klockar Apps

Namnsdag finnish 1.3
Tomas Klockar
Finnish version of my app that presents thenames of the day.It is possible to add an event to the calendar.
Mandelbrotmobile 1.5
Tomas Klockar
Program som genererar mandelbrot fraktaler.Möjlighet att zooma.Program that generatesmandelbrot fractals. Ability to zoom.
Lyssningsövning 1.0
Tomas Klockar
Hör ett ord på engelska och prova att stavadet.Hear a word in Englishand try to spell it.
Mastermind 1.4
Tomas Klockar
Mastermind game, select your pins, then hitdone. Then you can select new pins for the second row. The bottomrow is the first one. When you hit done you will receive black andwhite pins to the right. Black pins means right color and rightspot, white means right color wrong spot.After ten tries the correct line is presented.
Att göra lista(todo) 1.2
Tomas Klockar
Att göra lista, skriv in och lägg till.Snabbklicka för att markera som klar, långklicka för att ta bortraden.To-do list, write in andadd. Quick click to select the clear, long click to remove theline.
Read Click View Mobile 1.1
Tomas Klockar
Read the word, guess what the picture is andklick on the text to see the picture.Click again to get a new word.Suitable for children and others that are trying to learn how toread.In the menu you can select to have only uppercase to make iteasier to read.
Wine list 1.5
Tomas Klockar
Stores wine, country, id, rating, and if youhave it at home. Can be used as a shopping help, so you know whichwine you have tried and if you have them at home already.Add wine items with the menu option, and you can remove or edititems by long clicking. A fast click allows you to swap if you haveit at home or not.There is also a possibility to add a comment about the wine. It canbe seen if you long press the entry.It is now possible to export or import data from a textfile.Importing will erase all info in the program.Can now export under Android 4.4 and later.
Nameday german 1.1
Tomas Klockar
Shows the names of the day. It is possibletoadd it to the calendar. First release. Please report bugs, I amnotsure I got the correct list.
Total sum 1.0
Tomas Klockar
App that calculates the total cost ofsomethingthat have an initial cost and a monthly cost for a numberofmonths.
Vecka 1.5
Tomas Klockar
Visar aktuell vecka, för den som inte vill starta en kalender ellerannan applikation.
Navnedag 1.2
Tomas Klockar
Nå kan du legge til kalenderen din. Viser gjeldende navnet på dagennår det starter. Vennligst rapporter feil. (Goggle translated).Norwegin set of names. Please report bugs.
Nameday french 1.0
Tomas Klockar
Shows who has name day on that particularday,and you can add a reminder to your calendar. Please report bugsorerrors in this program and I'll try to fix them as soonaspossible.
Name day dannish 1.4
Tomas Klockar
Dannish version of the name dayprogram.Presents the name of the day when the program is started.It ispossible to search for names to find out which day itstheirday.You can also add name of the day to the calendar.Please report buggs.
Convert units 1.5
Tomas Klockar
Converts between the metric system and imperial/us system.Selection that the from unit selects a to unit that have aconversion from the to unit. So changing the from unit to dBm willselect Watt as the to unit so it is easier to set the to unit.However if the to unit is alread Watt or miliWatt it will be leftunchanged.
Memory 1.2
Tomas Klockar
Memory game, Try to find the same twocardsamong the 24.
SolitairMobile 1.2
Tomas Klockar
Solitair game for your mobile.
ShakeDice 1.2
Tomas Klockar
A dice that you roll by shaking yourphone.
Matförslag 1.4
Tomas Klockar
Detta program listar förslag på en maträtt. Bra att ha när mankänner sig fantasilös. Tryck på knappen och ett nytt förslag popparupp.
CodeSafeMobile 1.3
Tomas Klockar
Small easy app to protect your passwords and codes.
ElectronicDice 1.2
Tomas Klockar
Electronic Dice, emulates coin flip, T-4, T-6,T-8, T-10, T-20, T-100
PresentationTimerMobile 1.5
Tomas Klockar
Timer for holding presentations.
SimpleReader 1.0
Tomas Klockar
This program reads any file stored onthememorycard of your phone and displays the content. However itissuggested to not read pictures and music since it does notmakemuch sense to read it.
PinCodeGenerator 1.0
Tomas Klockar
Generates 4 numbered pin codes, for thosewhowant an easy way to generate many codes, or simply can notbebothered to come up with one themselves.
Nameday greek 1.4
Tomas Klockar
The greek version of the namedayprogram.Displays the name day the day the program starts, and itispossible to search by name to find out which day the nameiscelebrated. It is possible to add an event to the calendar.Pleasereport bugs.
Budget 1.7
Tomas Klockar
Ett program för att enkelt hantera en budget i hemmet ellerliknande med resultat hantering. Notera menyerna för att ändrasaker.
TimeKeeperMobile 1.3
Tomas Klockar
En applikation för att hålla reda på tiden man jobbar med ettvisstprojekt. Den har en projektväljare, en start och stopp knappoch enlunchknapp. Tider och projekt sparas på minneskortet itelefonenoch kan sen läsas över till lämplig dator. Jag tar ingetansvar förfel som kan uppstå i applikationen, men jag kommer attförsökaavhjälpa alla buggar som upptäcks. Applikationen gör så vittjagvet rätt, och förstör inget.
BlackNWhite 1.3
Tomas Klockar
Beat the AI by getting more tiles than it.
Namnsdag 1.6
Tomas Klockar
Find quick and easy date name day. Small fast app.
MultiDice 1.0
Tomas Klockar
5 dices which you can select which ones to roll 3 times.